From Start To Finish
Depending on the condition of the rooms the preparation can take just as much if not more time as the painting. Homeowners are often surprised at how many anomalies are in their walls. We thoroughly go over the walls looking for nicks, dings and scratches. It’s not uncommon to see the walls riddled with patching spots by the time we are done. Any unwanted holes from curtain rods, hanging shelves or nails and screw holes from pictures or artwork are also patched and sanded.
The results of our efforts is fantastic looking walls for our customers.
The baseboards and other trim are patched and sanded as needed and then a light overall sanding is done to the entire surface of them. Then caulking is applied where required in the joints within the trim work and where the trim work meets up with the walls. Caulking makes a remarkable improvement in the finished look.
Once the caulking has dried the baseboards and the walls are painted. The caulking creates a seamless transition between the two surfaces. The same procedure is done for window and door trim or any other type of trim work that has cracks or gaps where it meets up with the walls. When the painting is completed it is an attractive, seamless and clean look between the trim work and the walls. The final clean up begins and we can return the space back to the home owners.